Carry the light

Carry the light

Arranger Hillary Nick
Duration 3 min. 20 sec.
Difficulty 2 : Easy


Negro Spirituals is een muzieksoort waarin de slaven hun verdriet uiten. Zij vonden, door middel van het zingen van Negro spirituals, troost voor de situatie waarin zij leefden. De Negro spirituals zijn over het algemeen religieus van aard en heeft wat weg van gospelmuziek. A spiritual (or negro spiritual) was a song created by American slaves before emancipation, or a subsequent arrangement of such a song. Spirituals were often expressions of religious faith, although they may also have served as socio-political protests veiled as assimilation to white, American culture. They were originated by enslaved African-Americans in the United States. . ‘I would carry a lamp as I walk through the world, for I need the light to show me the way. And the evil that would harm me as I walk through the darkness will leave alone if I carry the light.



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